3rd Annual Stage 32 Oscar Contest Results

The Stage 32 3rd Annual Oscar Contest had a record number of entries this year. Thank you to all who participated.
We’ve tallied the results and now it’s time to announce the winners. Not only do we have a 9-way tie for 2nd place (all will receive prizes), but we also have a 27-way tie for 3rd place! Originally we were going to give out prizes to the top 10, but the results were so impressive we've chosen to give out prizes to all the Stage 32 members below.
Big congratulations to Jovanni Ibarra for taking home the top prize with 21 correct!
And, who got 19 correct this year? That would be me. (Damn you BIG HERO 6...And damn me for changing my best original screenplay choice from my beloved BIRDMAN to GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL)
Our thanks to all who entered and congratulations to our winners.
Please email julie@stage32.com to claim your prize!
1st place - Grand Prize Winner
$100 Amazon Gift Card, your choice of a Stage 32 "Creativity is Universal" T-shirt, Stage 32 hat, or Stage 32 bag, free access to 1 Next Level Webinar of your choice, $20 off 1 Next Level Class
21 correct
Jovanni Ibarra
2nd place
Your choice of a Stage 32 "Creativity is Universal" T-shirt, Stage 32 hat, or Stage 32 bag, free access to 1 Next Level Webinar of your choice, $20 off 1 Next Level Class
20 correct
Michael Patrick Bruen
Maarten Clark
Christiano Dias
Ryan Jacobi
Dylan McPhee
Michel Merkt
Trish Mistric
Vincent Moreno
Hristo Petkov Petkov
3rd place
Your choice of a Stage 32 "Creativity is Universal" T-shirt, Stage 32 hat, or Stage 32 bag, $10 off 1 Next Level Webinar or $20 off 1 Next Level Class 19 correct
Jacob Aulisa
David Ball
Carrie Blank
Peter Booker
Ian Chen
Trevor Scott Chittick
Burgess Coffield
Steve Desmond
Michael Eddy
Rob Eddy
Stev Elam
Fred Galle
Divij Kak
Hassan Khan
Malcolm Lee
Janelle Lee
Mark Mancini
Chris Mueller
Jimmy Orsag
Justen Overlander
Stefanie Schneider
Vadym Shapran
Joey Sorce
Tawny Stokes
James David Sullivan
David Webb
Dexter Williams
And now, for your acceptance speeches below in the Comments section....
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About the Author

Richard "RB" Botto
Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, Voice Artist
Richard "RB" Botto has created the online platform and marketplace designed to democratize the entertainment industry, Stage 32. By leveling the playing field for all film, television and digital content creators and professionals worldwide, Stage 32 provides networking and training opportunities as...