Do Not Lose The Fire In Your Voice In 2025

Do Not Lose The Fire In Your Voice In 2025

Do Not Lose The Fire In Your Voice In 2025

Carol Ann Kennedy
Carol Ann Kennedy
2 months ago

Does the divisive and often volatile environment in which we live cause you to pause in your writing endeavors? Do you hesitate? Do you feel restricted and unable to explore diverse or controversial themes? Or maybe you find that access to truthful information is so difficult to come by and discern that it has stifled the authenticity of your own voice. Does the little thumbs-up or thumbs-down emoji strike fear in you, making you worry that you might lose supporters—often those whose loyalty is conditional?

In today’s increasingly judgmental climate, we face the alarming risk of silencing vital voices and suppressing the rich tapestry of diverse perspectives that fuel progress. When a rigid, "one voice" narrative takes hold, it doesn’t just drown out dissent—it suffocates innovation and stifles creativity. Such an atmosphere creates a chilling effect, forcing writers into a corner where they must navigate impossible choices: remain silent, hide their truths in veiled subtext, or settle for mediocrity as a means of self-preservation.

This erosion of fearless expression diminishes not only individual artistry but also the collective potential for transformative storytelling. A culture that stifles bold voices loses its capacity to imagine, to challenge, and ultimately to grow.

Do Not Lose The Fire In Your Voice In 2025

Extraordinary Voices

What would we be without bold writers such as Oscar Wilde who challenged Victorian norms? Through the written word, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn exposed the brutal realities of Soviet labor camps. And what about George Orwell whose works like Animal Farm and 1984 were banned? Voltaire who was imprisoned and later exiled, criticized the French monarchy and the Catholic Church in his satirical works. And let us not forget the legacy of the Hollywood Ten. Their courage serves as a powerful reminder that creativity thrives on authenticity and freedom of expression, even in the face of immense pressure. This isn’t to suggest that every word you write must carry the weight of social criticism or commentary. Rather, it’s to affirm that you should never feel silenced or restrained in sharing your truth.

Your authentic voice matters. In extraordinary times like these, it is the extraordinary voices— unapologetic, daring, and true—that have the power to inspire change, spark dialogue, and leave an indelible mark on the world. So write boldly, write freely, and let your voice be heard.

In times where pen to paper may feel like gas to a flame, I say, light it on fire. Because the alternative feels horrifying, stifling, and epically bland. Our work archives our lives. The power of storytelling changes lives, and opinions, and even opens eyes. The world needs writers.

Do Not Lose The Fire In Your Voice In 2025

Called to Write

This year, storytellers are called to find their authentic voices and place a giant firewall around them. There is a calling for your voice like no other time in history. Writers help set trends,

introduce new ideas and reflect and archive the times in which we live. The sword and the stone lay in front of you. Everything you have done has led you to this moment. We are in historic times. Your voice will make the difference. What stories will you tell? How many will be transformed by the creativity you pen? How will your voice shape the future? Will you answer the call?

The Greatest Act

Your greatest Act is one in which you are a successful screenwriter. At a time when many are encouraged to stay quiet or drawback, I say, FORGE AHEAD.

  • Set a writing schedule and stick to it.
  • Embrace the imperfection of first drafts.
  • Brainstorm, free write, and discover inspiration in nature.
  • Study your craft, analyze successful scripts, and read.
  • Do NOT fear feedback, but use it as an opportunity to improve.
  • Set milestones for your progress.
  • Attend industry events, join writing groups, and connect with other writers and filmmakers. • Cultivate resilience and persistence because you’ll need a boatload of it to survive. • Understand that every writer’s journey is unique and their own.

Do Not Lose The Fire In Your Voice In 2025

Synchronized Screenwriting

When you align with your true purpose, a profound sense of synchronicity emerges. This is more than mere coincidence; it’s a harmonious flow where events, opportunities, and connections seem to fall into place effortlessly, as though the universe itself is conspiring to support your journey. It’s a feeling of being in sync with a greater rhythm, where challenges become stepping stones and progress feels natural, even inevitable.

You’ll know you’ve found your true calling not just through external signs, but through an undeniable inner resonance. It’s a deep, intuitive knowing that you’re on the right path—an alignment between your passions, values, and actions. You might experience moments of clarity, heightened creativity, or a sense of being energized by your pursuits rather than drained by them.

So, this is my call to you, my fellow screenwriters: awaken the genius within you. Cast aside the constraints of the moment we find ourselves in; let them scatter in the wind. Challenge authority with courage. Shine a light on systems of corruption and abuse, and unravel their shadows. Advocate fiercely for the freedom of expression, the unbridled voice that refuses to be silenced. Or don’t—because ultimately, what you choose to put on the page is entirely your prerogative.

What I do with what you create, however, is entirely mine. I can wield it, distort it, let it provoke me, or let it soothe me. Your words might infuriate me, inspire me, or even leave me questioning everything I thought I knew. They could bring me joy, make me uncomfortable, or open my eyes to something I never saw before.

But none of that is the point. The point—the only thing that truly matters—is that your words move me, that they transform me. That they hold the power to shift the world inside me and others, if only for a moment. That is the essence of storytelling: to leave a mark, to echo in the minds of others long after the final page. So write. Write boldly. Write truthfully. And let the transformation begin.

HAPPY 2025!

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About the Author

Screenwriter, Director, Filmmaker Carol Ann Kennedy, best known for her unique dialogue and niche for creating compelling characters in dark comedies, has extensive experience in all aspects of movie making. She has studied under veteran Hollywood screenwriters, worked in various roles at the Natio...

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