How to Take Care of Your Mental Health as a Creative

How to Take Care of Your Mental Health as a Creative

I left the embodiment of my networking circles, not once, not twice; more than twice. I would exit in and out again and again; it was a vicious cycle of character imbalance, one big shot of emotionalism and mental health unsteadiness in my life as a creative. Now that I’ve finally fled it, I’m here to share with you how I have managed to touch the sky.
As a creative one of the remedies you need to subdue emotionalism mental health incapacitation, you need to…
Let Your Artistry Define You
In 2020 I subdued my mental (un)well being with dull emotionalism that surged through me rooting from anxiety over lack of any well established creative work in my life. And what’s this remedy that helped me erase out the psychological instability?
It was none other than my efforts to develop and complete a creative work, a work that defined me a creative in this world which is all a stage as so William Shakespeare alluded to it and he was right. I was happy and the joyful feeling about having completed my first ever book shot fulfillment emotionalism in me. My mental health was indeed in check. I even wrote a Stage 32 guest blog, Let Your Artistry Define You.
But shortly after into the year 2021, things turned upside down because I took for granted one life need and that was none other than to…
Beware of Concealed Emotionalism
Amidst my high spiritedness, I had concealed low spiritedness as well; the fragment of my personality that I hardly knew kicked in. All over a sudden I got an unreasonable fear for social media and virtual networking platforms; I felt pulled down by the sight of low or no follower counts.
Basically, I dramatically transitioned into an anti-social media freak and I hated associating myself with the platforms and any otherwise provisions that were of somewhat structural similarity such as the networking platforms.
So, as a result I could deactivate or delete my social media and networking platforms accounts, shortly after rejoin the platforms, but again shortly after terminate my accounts. This trait continued in me again and again. My emotionalism and mental fortitude for social media and networking platforms had been incapacitated.
I was undecided if I really loved the platforms or not and what was the cause of all the confusion, the fear of being subjected to follower counts. So, fear was the cause of my emotionalism and mental health instability, the cause for this character imbalance.
Having realized and established the instability was due to fear, I needed a remedy to subdue this whole other emotionalism mental unwell being of mine which had projected me into the character imbalance ordeal of repetitively flipping on and off of my online platforms accounts’ existence. The remedy was…
Appreciating My True Preference
I had to ponder over my life and figure out what I really at the depths of my heart wanted.
In life when you are sure about what you want, then you will be able to overcome whatsoever fear lies in the way preventing your reach. I realized I loved to connect with fellow creatives and as well share with them inspiration and encouragement. That was truly what I wanted.
But then, my fear-fueled phobia for social media and online networking platforms was holding me back.
At first I held it so high in esteem that I believed at some point it was my true self; I set eyes on several renowned admirable successful creatives who had no presence on social media and networking platforms and lied to myself I shared the same anti-social media preference as them.
I don’t judge them as wrong or right; I respect their preference of not being on social media but as for me, that was not my true preference considering the fact that I deeply yearned to virtually bridge with fellow creatives over social media and networking platforms.
So, because I kept on judging ill and repressing my true self virtual socializing and networking preference, I became mentally imbalanced by a clash of emotionalism of my true self and fake self.
My only way out of this was to appreciate and hold in higher esteem my true self preference. As soon as I did that, I felt at peace with reinstating for good my presence online and I did it happily this time round without tension as I used to back then when I was still engrossed in the habit of flipping on and off of my online platforms accounts’ existence.
Follower counts as low as zero were no big deal to me anymore but rather I focused my attention and energy on the reason for my joining the networking and social media platforms; that reason was and still is to connect and share with fellow creatives inspiration and encouragement. I now come to you a stable member of Stage 32 and Script Revolution.
Amidst the Struggle, Never Hinder your Artistry from Defining You
When I talk of letting your artistry define, I’m referring to creating works of your artistry other than repress it.
Even when we are having clashing emotionalism or simply feeling down, all this imparting unto us a somewhat incapacitation of our mental health, we need cheer up and produce creative works. It’s one good distraction from the stress; it’s an escapism that grows your confidence a key element in overcoming the emotionalism mental health incapacitation.
Amidst my battling with my incapacitation which I finally defeated as I have shown you already, I always cheered up and wrote my books.
In 2020 during my anxiety phase of the incapacitation, I wrote my first book ever A Cat Has 9 Lives, I Have 9 Stories a feminist insight short stories collection. In 2021, I wrote Rappers & Toasters, a hip-hop and reggae urban comic novel that Music Connection Magazine reviewed and spotlit in their July 2021 issue.
This Music Connection media coverage privilege was a golden chance in my life, I never paid for it but the magazine based it on pure passion and love for good literary work.
I was honored by this milestone which by the way I reached before I had overcome all my emotionalism mental health incapacitation.
So, hadn’t I cheered up and produced creative works during the incapacitation, I would have missed out on all this.
My conclusion is simple, go for your true self’s preference path in your creative journey or else keep trapped in emotionalism mental health incapacitation. And as you battle with the incapacitation, produce a creative work of your artistry; don’t wait for a right time as life can mean to offer you no right time. In the end, everything is up to you.
Finally about specialized networking platforms for creatives, both Stage 32 and Script Revolution share something in common; they are both founded by fellow creatives who generously share their knowledge and wisdom from years of experience in the platforms’ blog spots but also each in his own book; be sure to buy these books:-
Stage 32 was founded by actor, producer, screenwriter, and voice artist Richard “RB” Botto, his book is Crowdsourcing for Filmmakers (focuses on crowd sourcing for film). Script Revolution was founded by screenwriter and producer CJ Walley, his book is Turn & Burn (focuses on writing screenplays better and faster).
About Bamutiire Jerry Edmund
It was in his childhood when Bamutiire Jerry Edmund got inspired to become a creative. Journeying from then saw Jerry pen layman non standard screenplays with dreams he would be among the cast if they were filmed, it was not only that, the trek also saw him put up mime and dance performances at school shows which left him feeling a star as so the kids approvingly acknowledged of his performances and his name was quite a household shot on school campus and in classroom. Years later, Edmund became an established creative.
Edmund’s favorite quote: “Resilience is the life vest that keeps you afloat.” —Jennifer “drJ” Thibeaux
A Cat Has 9 Lives, I Have 9 Stories -- a feminist insight short stories anthology
Rappers & Toasters -- a hip-hop and reggae urban comic novel
Autobiography ESSAY eBOOKLET, I AM EDMUND -- an autobiography essay of Bamutiire Jerry Edmund
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About the Author

Bamutiire Jerry Edmund
It was in his childhood when Bamutiire Jerry Edmund got inspired to become a creative. Journeying from then saw Jerry pen layman non standard screenplays with dreams he would be among the cast if they were filmed, it was not only that, the trek also saw him put up mime and dance performances at scho...