
Acting Stage 32 Blogs

Introducing the Stage 32 Entertainment Industry Glossary!

Hello Stage 32 Creative Army! We are thrilled to announce yet another Stage 32 resource that you can use to learn and grow as a creative or professional in the entertainment industry - the Stage 32 Glossary! No matter what hat(s) you wear in the entertainment industry, there are a host of entertainment industry-specific terms and phrases you may come across in your career. To best prepare yourself for your entertainment journey, you should take some time to familiarize yourself with these te...

Taylor C. Baker
Taylor C. Baker
3 years ago
Introducing the Stage 32 Entertainment Industry Glossary!

Coffee & Content: Behind the Scenes of BRIDGERTON & How to Write Interrogation Scenes

Happy Sunday Creative Army! First of all, congratulations to all of you who have already participated in our monthly Introduce Yourself Weekend! Thousands of connections have been made between entertainment creatives and professionals from every corner of the globe. Whether you are a long-time member, or brand new to Stage 32, take a moment to pop over to the Introduce Yourself Lounge and say hello before the end of the weekend. Now, grab some fresh coffee and let's dive into this week's conte...

Coffee & Content: Behind the Scenes of BRIDGERTON & How to Write Interrogation Scenes

How to Find Your Creative Tribe on Stage 32

Well, hello, there! My name is Karen Ross, but please, call me Kay. I wanted to formally introduce myself: I am an actress, writer, producer, director, and all-around free spirit. I currently host a weekly event on Clubhouse called "The Victory Round" to help creatives build their confidence by celebrating their achievements, big or small. Among other many things, I love martial arts, instrumental film soundtracks, the Bard, tea time, and am deeply obsessed with trying new restaurants. I can’t w...

Karen "Kay" Ross
Karen "Kay" Ross
3 years ago
How to Find Your Creative Tribe on Stage 32

Why Reputation Trumps Talent

There is no Business like Show Business. And possibly that is true, as there is no place, other than politics, that a good or bad reputation can travel faster than a supersonic jet. You have to treat your reputation as your most prized possession in Hollywood. There seems to be a misunderstanding about what reputation truly means. A solid reputation is built on professionalism but even more so on how good a human being you are on a solid ground of authenticity and I, for one, quote more than...

Alexia Melocchi
Alexia Melocchi
3 years ago
Why Reputation Trumps Talent

Building a Community & Member Experience: RB Botto on the Be Customer Led Podcast

Happy Thursday Stage 32! Our fearless leader and CEO, Richard "RB" Botto recently had the pleasure of being a guest on the Be Customer Led Podcast. In this exclusive podcast interview RB discusses How to Build a Community and Member Experience. Specifically, RB talks about his personal journey and experience founding Stage 32 and growing the community to over 800,000 members worldwide. Here is a sneak peek: “You have to inspire yourself every day. Even if you had a massively bad day be...

Taylor C. Baker
Taylor C. Baker
3 years ago
Building a Community & Member Experience: RB Botto on the Be Customer Led Podcast

How To Make Deals in Hollywood without Getting Hustled

Hello, readers of Stage 32! My name is Tennyson E. Stead, I’ve been working in entertainment all my life, and I’ve written more than 50 screenplays - many of them as a ghostwriter, which means a vastly disproportionate portion of my writing is both paid and uncredited work. In fact, a huge number of my professional decisions have involved compromises that I think a lot of writers would balk at, and certainly I’m constantly making decisions that draw rigorous, interrogative concern from my collea...

Tennyson Stead
Tennyson Stead
3 years ago
How To Make Deals in Hollywood without Getting Hustled

Coffee & Content: Behind the Scenes of THE LOST CITY & Guidelines for Writing Adventure Scripts

Happy Sunday Creative Army! Have you had a creative weekend so far? I have some content here for you that is sure to get the creative juices flowing, so grab your coffee and let's dive in. First up, Stream Wars has put together a great behind the scenes look at the making of Paramount's new film The Lost City. This video features interviews with stars Sandra Bullock, Channing Tatum, Daniel Radcliffe and filmmakers Aaron & Adam Nee.  Next up, Lessons from a Screenplay takes a dive into the...

Coffee & Content: Behind the Scenes of THE LOST CITY & Guidelines for Writing Adventure Scripts

Mastering the Art of the Self Tape Audition

No matter where you are based as an actor, given the state of the industry the past two years you have undoubtedly submitted a self tape audition (or 1,000). If you're based in LA or NYC, before COVID you may have only occasionally been required to self-tape, and when that happened, perhaps you used your cell phone or went to a buddy’s house to have them tape you. I, on the other hand, am based in Atlanta. And in addition to being a full-time actor for almost 20 years, I have co-owned a taping...

Matthew Cornwell
Matthew Cornwell
3 years ago
Mastering the Art of the Self Tape Audition

Breathing Exercise to Help Anxiety Before Pitch or Audition

We prep. We plan. We come up with moments before, inner dialogue, the character back history and emotional ties. We’re off book, the pitch deck is set, and then…wait, what!? Plot twist. Something interesting happens the moment we step into the audition room, or the camera hits record. Any of our prep or scene-work often times goes out the window and fear sets in. Instead of letting anxiety get the best of the opportunity at hand, or what could happen into the future — which is the cause of anx...

Sara Quiriconi
Sara Quiriconi
3 years ago
Breathing Exercise to Help Anxiety Before Pitch or Audition

How Living in a Small Country Helped My Film Career

Making It Soft rolling hills stretch endlessly before my bedroom window. The sky is grey most days, but sometimes it explodes in the brightest blue. Just there, beyond the trees, the Irish Sea thrashes endlessly upon the shore, wave after wave, beckoning… Ah… Ireland. So far away from anything even remotely Hollywood. And just a 5 minute walk from where I live, my little village hosted one of the biggest productions of 2021. Disney came, spent 10 million dollars on set design and left m...

Ronika Merl
Ronika Merl
3 years ago
How Living in a Small Country Helped My Film Career
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