
Acting Stage 32 Blogs

Stage 32 and the American Film Market Join Forces for 2021

I'm thrilled to announce today that for the 6th straight year, Stage 32 and the American Film Market have joined forces to bring new opportunities and access to attendees of America's largest film market.   Stage 32 is proud to continue to be the official Networking and Education partner of the AFM and this year is extra special. For the second year in a row, the AFM has gone virtual.   So what does that mean for you?   More access and opportunity at the AFM no matter where you live in t...

Stage 32 and the American Film Market Join Forces for 2021

How to Find Your Creative Voice (and keep it)

Defining Moments I remember the first play I submitted to a theatre in Toronto. The dramaturge called me in to “talk”. He was merciless, heartless, and yet that meeting was a gift. It made me face the truth and it awakened my Voice. “Predictable”, “one dimensional” “hackneyed” “cliché upon cliché” “worse and worse”, were just some of the comments the dramaturge wrote in the margins of my beloved script. He savaged my labor of love, attacking not only my work but my dreams. He would politely...

Chris Morley
Chris Morley
3 years ago
How to Find Your Creative Voice (and keep it)

Script to Screen: Download the Emmy-Nominated Pilot Script of GIRLS 5EVA

Happy Screenplay Saturday Stage 32! I hope you all had a beautiful and creative week. I was catching up on the trades this week (following the very sage wisdom of our founder and CEO Richard "RB" Botto: Always read the trades and know what is going on in the business of entertainment!) and I came across an article from Deadline Hollywood about the Emmy-nominated peacock original show Girls 5Eva. Personally, being a long-time Sara Bareilles fan (where are all my Waitress the Musical fans at?!...

Taylor C. Baker
Taylor C. Baker
3 years ago
Script to Screen: Download the Emmy-Nominated Pilot Script of GIRLS 5EVA

How to Become a Master at Networking & Relationships: Stage 32 CEO Richard "RB" Botto on Mentor Nation Podcast

Happy Wednesday Stage 32! I hope you are having a beautiful and creative week! Recently, our fearless leader and CEO Richard "RB" Botto joined John Abbas on his podcast "Mentor Nation" to speak about networking, mindset, and building relationships. No matter what hat you wear in the entertainment industry, whether you are in front of or behind the camera, networking is an essential tool in the entertainment industry. In this podcast, RB shares how to find, nurture, and cultivate lasting re...

Taylor C. Baker
Taylor C. Baker
3 years ago
How to Become a Master at Networking & Relationships: Stage 32 CEO Richard "RB" Botto on Mentor Nation Podcast

More Entertainment Creatives are Finding Jobs through Stage 32!

Happy Motivation Monday Stage 32! I hope you are having a beautiful and creative week so far. As many of you know, in the past 10 years we have had some pretty epic Stage 32 success stories. From Ireland-based screenwriter Ronika Merl optioning her first script to Pennsylvania-based screenwriter Joseph Downey taking his feature Chick Fight (which went on to star Malin Akerman, Bella Thorne, and Alec Baldwin) from pitch to post through Stage 32, we have celebrated some amazing wins within our...

Taylor C. Baker
Taylor C. Baker
3 years ago
More Entertainment Creatives are Finding Jobs through Stage 32!

Coffee & Content: Timothée Chalamet & Emma Stone Actors on Actors & CAPTAIN MARVEL SFX Tutorial

Happy Sunday Creative Army! I've got my coffee in hand and your weekly dose of content coming in hot - grab your coffee of choice and let's dive right in. First up, Variety has a wonderful series called Actors on Actors where working actors discuss their craft. In this video, they feature Timothée Chalamet (Call Me By Your Name, Lady Bird, Little Women) and Emma Stone (La La Land, Cruella, Birdman, The Help). Timothée and Emma discuss everything from how they got started in their careers to...

Coffee & Content: Timothée Chalamet & Emma Stone Actors on Actors & CAPTAIN MARVEL SFX Tutorial

4 Ways to Make Money as a Screenwriter

It didn’t take me long to figure out that making money as a screenwriter is… difficult. Indeed, the most common ways to make money in this field are by whether selling a script or working in a writers’ room. It’s the beginning of my career and I haven’t done either of them yet, so I started researching other ways to make money and pay the bills. The good news is, there are some solid options out there. Teach a Course on Skillshare I’m not sponsored by Skillshare in any way, I just think it’...

Alicia Sekhri
Alicia Sekhri
3 years ago
4 Ways to Make Money as a Screenwriter

Attracting Finance, Talent, and Distributors: Wisdom From The Stage 32 Film Finance Summit

Most people making TV and film want to know what types of shows financiers and buyers are investing in right now. Here you go... I came up with this list based on what financiers and distributors said during the Stage 32 Film Finance Summit. Note that most of them are focused on independent films, but a few people did TV and studio films. I’ve listed the biographies of each person mentioned in this article at the bottom of this article.     Types of Shows Financiers and Distributors W...

Ami Mariscal
Ami Mariscal
3 years ago
Attracting Finance, Talent, and Distributors: Wisdom From The Stage 32 Film Finance Summit

How Hollywood Reacts to My Disability - And Why it Matters For You

You see excitement sparking in the producer’s eyes. They tell you your concept is unique, highly marketable, and fills a void in a profitable genre… Then the big question comes - the most important question you get asked in any pitch - “why are YOU the one to tell this story?” You respond, “I chose to write this paranoid-spy-thriller as my vehicle to immerse an audience in the experience of what it’s like living with an anxiety disorder, like my own CPTSD.” They had been leaning in up til...

How Hollywood Reacts to My Disability - And Why it Matters For You

Grit Daily: How One Company Is Leading the Way in Democratizing the Entertainment Industry

Happy Wednesday Creative Army! Since 2011, the Stage 32 team has been working tirelessly to help you stay connected, creative, motivated, and informed. As always, we are committed to bringing you networking opportunities, education and mentoring from top-level industry executives and professionals, and access to decision-makers around the globe all from the comfort of your own home. Recently our efforts have been noticed by the media in a big way. We are incredibly proud and honored that Sta...

Grit Daily: How One Company Is Leading the Way in Democratizing the Entertainment Industry
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