Acting Stage 32 Blogs
Instagram Live Series: How to Plan Your Entertainment Goals & How to Ace Self Tape Auditions
Happy Saturday Stage 32! As many of you may know, I host an Instagram LIVE every week on @stage32 highlighting some amazing Stage 32 members from all over the world. We cover everything from how to shoot a short film 100% remotely to how to how to master the art of a director/composer relationship and more. Recently, I had the supreme pleasure of chatting with two powerhouse Stage 32 members that have been working hard to make magic happen in their entertainment careers in 2021 - and they have...

From Our CEO - The Greatest Community on the Planet Rises to the Occasion
You. Guys. Rock. Last week, I threw down the gauntlet with my Introduce Yourself Weekend Challenge and you not only accepted the challenge, you went above and beyond the call. By any standard, this was the most productive IYW edition in our 10 years shattering every record on the books including number of posts, number of comments, number of network requests sent, number of new connections made and so on. Some of you truly went the extra mile in getting the word out. One member sent invite...

From Acting to Voice Acting: Why and How to Start Right Now
Have COVID-19 restrictions got you in an auditioning slump? While the pandemic has made things harder for on-camera acting and the stage, it has also created more opportunities for voice acting and voice over work. Just think about it: you’re largely stuck at home, are connected to the Internet, and need to keep your acting skills sharp. Why not try working from home as a voice actor? Actors are in the business of storytelling and much of what you do is applicable to voice acting. For the reco...

From our CEO – A 5 Step Challenge For You to Complete This Weekend
What’s up, Creative Army! As you know, for the last 10 years we’ve designated every 3rd weekend of the month to hold the largest online entertainment industry event anywhere in the world. We call it Introduce Yourself Weekend and since the inaugural event back in 2011, millions of network connections have been made leading to myriad life and career changing relationships and projects launched. Over the last few weeks, partially by virtue of our partnership with Netflix, over 30,000 new creat...

How to Maximize Your Entertainment Career with Stage 32
I hope all of you are well and looking forward to making some pretty amazing connections on Stage 32! I am a mother of three girls, one and a half college grads and a little Einstein. My eldest is an entrepreneur and teaches influencers how to grow, increase leads, and sustainability. My middle child attends SCAD and has been in more films than I’ve ever written. My baby girl has mastered 2D, 3D, all things technical more than mommy and preparing to do some work for Crunchyroll. I didn’t sha...

The Pros and Cons of Pay-to-Play Voice Over Websites
In the voiceover world, there are a lot of opinions floating around when it comes to Pay to Play (P2P) sites. But why? And what (if any) value do they provide for running a voiceover business? First, let’s talk about what a P2P site is. A Pay to Pay (P2P) site is exactly what it sounds like - a site where voice talent pay a membership (monthly or annually) to have access to a marketplace of auditions. A few of the most common P2P sites for voiceover are, Voice123, Bodalgo,...

Use What You Have and Make Your Own Damn Movie!
I wasted 8 months of my life, along with a large sum of money, on empty promises and fraudulent contracts from a so-called "producer" who claimed he could get my movie done on a 5 MM budget. He was an incredibly good storyteller but with bad intensions. You see, he was a very skilled con artist that dismantled the hopes and the creativity of many filmmakers. He has been selling lies for years and many innocent people have fallen victim to his scams and still continues to do it to this day....

Tips and Tricks for Creating a Narrative Podcast in 2021
A Love Letter to 2020: Tips and Tricks for creating a Narrative Podcast in 2021 I was going to start this blog with a clever send-up of all my missteps and foibles in the production of my podcast, Piercing Time, of which there were many. It was going to be a funny, wry and rueful story, with all of the tried and true ingredients that charm and engage readers on the page. But then I realized that I wanted to write a different kind of story, one about faith and friendship across continents and t...

Inspiration and the Will To Work
Happy February, Stage 32! By now, I think most of the readers on this site know me pretty well! For those who don’t, I’m a screenwriter, a playwright, a director, a producer, a script doctor of growing repute, a game designer, a novelist, and in all respects a worldbuilder and storyteller. By now, I’ve worked as an executive for more than a decade and I’ve written more than 40 feature film scripts. My personal backstory is a bizarre and twisted odyssey of life-shattering experiences, ranging...

Stage 32 + Netflix TV Pitch Workshop: Now Available On-Demand for FREE!
Happy Monday, Creative Army! Last week, we hosted our FREE Netflix TV Pitch Workshop, and I am thrilled to report that we had 25,763 entertainment creatives (screenwriters, filmmakers, actors) and professionals (managers, agents, development execs, producers) from over 175 countries register for this epic virtual event. Christopher Mack, the Director of Talent Investment and Development at Netflix, provided over three hours of exclusive insider information and tips on how to pitch to Netflix a...