The Lowdown On Your Stage 32 Education Library

The Lowdown On Your Stage 32 Education Library

The Lowdown On Your Stage 32 Education Library

Sydney S
Sydney S
10 months ago

Hello, Creative Community!

I'm Sydney Summers, and I'm thrilled to be part of the education team here at Stage 32. If we haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet, allow me to extend a warm hello!

Today, I'm excited to share some fantastic education updates that we've recently implemented on the Stage 32 platform. Now, all your education purchases, including classes, labs, and webinars, can be found conveniently housed in 'My Library.' To ensure you make the most of these enhancements, I've provided helpful directions and an instructional video below.

At Stage 32, our education team is dedicated to supporting you every step of the way. Whether you have questions about your education purchase or need recommendations for your learning journey, we're here for you. Reach out to us any day of the week at, and we'll be delighted to assist you by the end of the next business day.

If you purchase a Class or Lab:

You can access all the information about your course at any time by logging into your Stage 32 profile and clicking "settings" in the top right-hand corner, then clicking "My Library" or going to the Education tab and clicking "My Library" towards the upper right (next to the shopping cart icon.)

  • When you get to your library you will see the class or lab purchased listed, click it.
  • In your library, you will see all class or lab info which includes the dates (if live), an overview of the class or lab, and the links you need to log in to each session each week, as well as the link to your lounge to stay in touch with your fellow classmates throughout the duration of the class or lab.

The Lowdown On Your Stage 32 Education Library

If you purchase a Webinar:

You can access all the information about your course at any time by logging into your Stage 32 profile and clicking "settings" in the top right-hand corner, then clicking "My Library" or going to the Education tab and clicking "My Library" towards the upper right (next to the shopping cart icon.)

  • When you get to your library you will see the webinar listed, click it.
  • In your library, you will see all webinar details which include the date (if live), an overview of the webinar, and the link you need to log in for the webinar date (if live), as well as the link to your lounge to put all of your questions for our host and to interact with other attendees.

If you'd like to review a step-by-step guide, you can click HERE or on the below video.

The Lowdown On Your Stage 32 Education Library

Wishing everyone a fantastic remainder of the week!

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About the Author

Sydney is on the education team at Stage 32 who loves to learn & has a zest for life. Prior to joining Stage 32 Sydney worked in production management and coordination on various shows and projects for FOX, Amazon Prime Video, ABC, iHeart, Hulu, Paramount +, USA and more. Sydney also enjoys yoga,...

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