Acting Stage 32 Blogs
Acting in Political Advertisements
The last 3 to 6 months, whether you’ve been watching television, scrolling through social media on the internet, or receiving junk mail - you’ve noticed the spike in political commercials touting issues and candidates. From primaries happening almost every Tuesday through early voting and the general election, we are now in the Midterm election cycle. On the national scale, you are voting for your congressperson - your senator or the house of representatives. On the state level, you have...

The Four P’s to Achieve Results in Your Entertainment Career
As actors, we all have huge dreams and aspirations: one day winning an Oscar, being on a Broadway stage, getting into Marvel-ready shape, or getting that top-tier agent. For better or worse, we think big and relentlessly pursue our goals. We sprint towards them, stumble, pick ourselves back up, run again, fall, cry, take a few more steps, sometimes retreat, sometimes pause, jog a little, take a breather, or jump the tracks. Blinded by our passion, we often forget simple daily habits that yiel...

5 Techniques for Auditioning and Getting Hired as a Voice Actor
No matter which type of actor you are, auditioning can be stressful. Sometimes we're not given all the details and feel like we have to wing it. As a Voice Actor, this can be particularly frustrating, so here are my five techniques for auditioning and getting hired as a Voice Actor. 1. Read Everything Most people don't write something down for the sake of it; they are conveying the information they believe is essential for the reader to know. Clients looking to hire Voice Actors are no differ...

Coffee & Content: Take Control of Your Acting Career By Being Your Own CEO
Happy Sunday, Creative Army! I've got my coffee in hand and your weekly dose of content coming in hot - grab your coffee of choice, and let's dive right in. Today, we're digging into acting. There are so many processes and theories on acting, but the job is about more than what you do on set. It's about finding opportunities, preparing, networking, and delivering. First, we're learning from one of the GOATS, Christian Bale, as he looks back at his most notable roles in a video from GQ. Fe...

The Life of a Scare Actor
Fall season is upon us, Labor Day has come and gone, and pumpkin-spiced everything is on menus across the country. Do you know what else is in season? Haunted Houses and Fright Fests! It might be September, but these events are already starting to pop up everywhere. This has been a tried and true side gig for many actors for years. It is an opportunity to blow off some steam, stretch your muscles, and be in relative anonymity. However, if you’ve never been a scare actor, how do you get into it...

10 Tips for Making the Best Voice Talent Profile for Pay-To-Play Sites
Online marketplaces for voiceover work, also known as pay-to-play sites (P2Ps), provide an invaluable opportunity for voice talent of all levels in the modern era and are now THE go-to place for Voice Actors to find work. While there are many options, both paid and free, there is one that tends to stand above the rest both because of the access to jobs Voice Actors have and its two million users, and that’s Voices has the largest pool of talent and clients of any online marketplace f...

The Ultimate Guide to Voice Acting for Beginners
Becoming a Voice Actor has never been easier. With advances in technology, communication, and access, the online space presents an unprecedented opportunity for freelancers interested in Voice Acting to give it a solid try. When I first started voice acting professionally in 2019, there was a lot of not-so-great advice being shared from the top down about how to get started and how much it costs to get started. More than three years later, I’m here to tell you it’s not as difficult as it may...

Actors, We're The Solution, Not The Problem
Back in the day, LEGO was my jam. And to be honest, I still find it an oddly meditative and therapeutic endeavor. This isn’t said to underscore my already apparent nerd status but to touch upon a scenario many fellow LEGO enthusiasts will be familiar with. We’ve just purchased a new set and are fiercely powering through piecing it together. Perhaps with the instructions, but perhaps we scoff at such things and only ever go rogue. Regardless, sooner or later, we reach the stage where only one b...

Coffee & Content: 5 Beginner Acting Mistakes & Inside the Writers' Room of ABBOTT ELEMENTARY
Happy Sunday Creative Army! I've got my coffee in hand and your weekly dose of content coming in hot - grab your coffee of choice and let's dive right in. First up, the Acting Career Center shares 5 mistakes beginner actors make. Hosted by Kurt Yue, an Atlanta-based actor with over 50 credits, this video covers self-tape audition tips, why you shouldn't pretend (or mime) actions in auditions, how to handle your first on set experience, and more. Next up, The Writers Guild Foundation share...

Coffee & Content: How Tarantino Shoots a Film at 3 Budgets & ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING Production Design
Happy Sunday Creative Army! First of all, congratulations to all of you who have already participated in our monthly Introduce Yourself Weekend! Thousands of connections have been made between entertainment creatives and professionals from every corner of the globe. Whether you are a long-time member, or brand new to Stage 32, take a moment to pop over to the Introduce Yourself Lounge and say hello before the end of the weekend. First up, In Depth Cine shares a breakdown of how writer/direct...