
Acting Stage 32 Blogs

Top 10 Lounge Posts - Summer Film Resources & Networking Tips

The film and television industry is global, yet, to many who live outside of the major production hubs (e.g., Los Angeles, Vancouver, Atlanta, New York City, London, etc.) it can feel out of reach. Stage 32 is the best community to keep us all connected, but what makes us the best? We help each other! But what are you doing to help yourself? RB often recommends on his “Ask Me Anything” series to read the trades. Which ones are you reading? Deadline, Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, IndieWire?...

Karen "Kay" Ross
Karen "Kay" Ross
4 years ago
Top 10 Lounge Posts - Summer Film Resources & Networking Tips

Make Your Entertainment Career About the Journey - Not the Destination

“It’s good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end.” ~ Ernest Hemingway I love road trips! I love the idea of packing up the car and hitting the open road, not knowing what we’ll see or who we’ll meet along the way. I plan what I need to take, packing up any essentials. I then plan my destination, but what happens in between departure and arrival has a sense of fluidity! A Road Trip Down Memory Lane… My last road trip had three generations, my mu...

Make Your Entertainment Career About the Journey - Not the Destination

How to Prepare for Movie Press & Interviews

Previously here on Stage 32, you saw a blog from me titled, “Should People Be Interviewing You About Your Entertainment Career Yet?” There has been plenty of time since then to do what I like to call a self-audit, in this context to mean looking at the criteria I wrote about in there and deciding if you’re at a point where you should be an interviewee. How did you do? Good, I hope? I’m optimistic that as you read through that prior post, you were nodding and thinking, “Yes. Uh huh. I’ve done...

Bruce Wawrzyniak
Bruce Wawrzyniak
4 years ago
How to Prepare for Movie Press & Interviews

Audition Tips from Casting Director Eric Souliere (AMERICAN HORROR STORY, 9-1-1, THE MENTALIST)

Eric Souliere has wanted to be a casting director since he was 11 years old. After growing up in Boston and getting his BFA in Film Studies from Hunter College in New York City, he moved to Los Angeles in February 2005. After working with Wendy O’Brien, Howard Meltzer, Carol Goldwasser, Sally Stiner, and Barbie Block, Eric began working at Ulrich Dawson Kritzer Casting in May 2006 as the casting assistant to Eric Dawson and Liz Dean on the FX series Nip/Tuck. He was then promoted to Associate...

Kurt Patino
Kurt Patino
4 years ago
Audition Tips from Casting Director Eric Souliere (AMERICAN HORROR STORY, 9-1-1, THE MENTALIST)

How to Move Forward After Getting a "No"

No matter what role you play in the entertainment industry (actor/writer/producer/etc), rejection is part of the process. We all hear “no” constantly, but what do you do after? I will guide you through easy steps on how to handle a no, and how to take new chances. First, let me introduce myself. I am a young Danish girl, who wants to be a screenwriter. At the moment I am not writing anything new, I’m simply rewriting my finished scripts. Other than that I'm an active member here on Stage 3...

Sille Larsen
Sille Larsen
4 years ago
How to Move Forward After Getting a "No"

Summer Fun Challenge - Introduce Your FRIEND Weekend!

You may recall we experimented with this riff on a classic Stage 32 event a few months ago. The impact of the “Introduce Your FRIEND Weekend” has been astounding! I even received this very lovely “thank you” message from one of my new friends and previous networking buddy:     Thank you, Kimberly! Now that summer is here, productions are up and running, forward momentum is paramount! Pun intended. There is no better way to get energized than to grab a friend to help you meet new friends...

Karen "Kay" Ross
Karen "Kay" Ross
4 years ago
Summer Fun Challenge - Introduce Your FRIEND Weekend!

Congratulations to the Winners of the 6th Annual Stage 32 Short Film Contest!

Happy Wednesday Stage 32 Community! Last week, we officially announced the winners of our 6th Annual Stage 32 Short Film Contest! Throughout the course of the contest, we welcome thousands of entries from filmmakers all over the world. We had films submitted from over 40 countries, and our 8 winning films hail from 5 different countries! Over the last 5 years, winners from our Short Film Contest have gone on to be signed (UTA, Echo Lake, Verve, and more), financed, and produced. One of our w...

Taylor C. Baker
Taylor C. Baker
4 years ago
Congratulations to the Winners of the 6th Annual Stage 32 Short Film Contest!

Top 10 Lounge Posts - Back to Life, Back to Production!

The sun is shining, a cool breeze is whistling, and the chatter of social gatherings is buzzing in the distance. Even outside of Los Angeles, beyond restaurants and open-air malls, we are seeing life slowly crawl back to normal (if we can even call it that now), both in our personal lives and in production. You’ll note RB’s recent Coffee & Content was all about being on set. The man knows what’s up! With good weather and good health comes a rush to get back to work. What are you working on? What...

Karen "Kay" Ross
Karen "Kay" Ross
4 years ago
Top 10 Lounge Posts - Back to Life, Back to Production!

Coffee & Content: 10 Biggest Myths about Filmmaking & 10 On Set Terms Every Actor Should Know

Happy Sunday Creative Army! Have you had a creative weekend so far? I have some content here for you that is sure to get the creative juices flowing, so grab your coffee and let's dive in. First up, the folks over at Indy Mogul put together an interesting video highlighting the top ten biggest myths about filmmaking. They cover some of their most frequently asked audience questions such as "can you make a living as a film director?", "is being a production assistant my best way into the indu...

Coffee & Content: 10 Biggest Myths about Filmmaking & 10 On Set Terms Every Actor Should Know

Instagram Live Series: How to Make an Indie Film & Ireland-Based Writer Options Her First Script through Stage 32

Happy Saturday Stage 32! As many of you may know, I host an Instagram LIVE every week on @stage32 highlighting some amazing Stage 32 members from all over the world. We cover everything from how to sell a TV movie, how to ace self-tape auditions, how to research your way to the top of the entertainment industry and more. Recently, I had the supreme pleasure of chatting with two powerhouse Stage 32 members that have been working hard to make magic happen in their entertainment careers in 2021 -...

Taylor C. Baker
Taylor C. Baker
4 years ago
Instagram Live Series: How to Make an Indie Film & Ireland-Based Writer Options Her First Script through Stage 32
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