
Advice Stage 32 Blogs

The Little Screenwriter Who Could: Tenacity In The Face Of Rejection

Giving up. It’s a phase, I believe, that all good writers grapple with at some point. "It’s too hard." "I’m not good enough." "Maybe I should have been a banker." These are all thoughts that have crossed my mind (except the banker part) at one time or another throughout my many years as a writer. Thoughtful, calculating, creative, innovative, imaginative – all qualities that make a great writer - can harvest overthinking, and insecurity, and make us question our very worth as writers. Scree...

Carol Ann Kennedy
Carol Ann Kennedy
11 hours ago
The Little Screenwriter Who Could: Tenacity In The Face Of Rejection

My 10 Favorite Horror Movies & What They Taught Me About Screenwriting!

There are sooo many incredible Horror movies. It’s really hard to pick ten favorites. And my “10 Favorite Horror Movies” list changes a lot. I recently watched some movies that could be on this list one day. Here are my favorite Horror movies, why they’re my favorites, and one screenwriting tip from each movie. You can use some of these tips for other genres. And SPOILER ALERT- the below contains spoilers about the films!!! 10- THE PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS The People Under the Stairs is o...

My 10 Favorite Horror Movies & What They Taught Me About Screenwriting!

My Move To Los Angeles: Leading A Life To The Ocean From A Pond

The biggest risk was leaving everything known for the unknown, or maybe it was the less known in my specific case. Los Angeles became my city long before I moved here. In October 2009 when I desperately needed a direction, I volunteered at a film festival (in Texas!) and met filmmakers who changed the trajectory of my life to the present (many of whom are LA transplants themselves), everything has been leading me to the city of angels. I didn’t decide to leave Texas, the state I had been b...

Stephanie Moore
Stephanie Moore
2 days ago
My Move To Los Angeles: Leading A Life To The Ocean From A Pond

Coffee & Content: The Machinery of the Business

Happy Sunday, Creative Army! First, congratulations to all of you who have already participated in our monthly Introduce Yourself Weekend! Thousands of connections have been made between entertainment creatives and professionals from around the globe. Whether you are a long-time member or brand new to Stage 32, take a moment to pop over to the Introduce Yourself Lounge and say hello before the end of the weekend. First up, in this video from It Was A Sh*t Show, they’re sharing an in-depth vi...

Coffee & Content: The Machinery of the Business

How To Shoot Horror Films That Scare The Bejesus Out Of Your Audience!

In this survival guide, I'll be focusing on a checklist of things to keep in mind when shooting a horror film. It's no surprise that horror films cost less to produce and shoot. A good example is Jordan Peele’s Get Out. James Wan made his career with the SAW franchise. Horror films bring in lots of money at the box office and audiences flock to the screen to get their fright on! With that in mind, let's dive right into the belly of the beast. Costume & Make-up Design If there is one thing...

Shawn Yeo
Shawn Yeo
4 days ago
How To Shoot Horror Films That Scare The Bejesus Out Of Your Audience!

How To Successfully Navigate The Stage 32 Platform!

Happy Friday, Stage 32 Community! Joining a platform like Stage 32 can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. While we’re incredibly proud of all of the resources, events, and unique perks that we offer our members, we know that it can take time to get your footing and know where to look to find what you’re most in need of. That’s why the Stage 32 team works so hard to reach you with the information that you need and be a constant source of support. Starting with this helpful guide s...

How To Successfully Navigate The Stage 32 Platform!

Screenwriting Software To Use If You Can't Afford Final Draft

I remember when I first dove my toes into screenwriting. I was working in retail at the time and going to school full-time. At the time, I was lucky that the software I had recently purchased for writing my novels also allowed me to format screenplays. Shortly after that, there was a project I was working on collaboratively with another writer. They introduced me to a second program because it allowed for more open collaboration. Over the years, I’ve played with different pieces of software a...

Screenwriting Software To Use If You Can't Afford Final Draft

Stage 32 Certification Welcomes Zagreb, Croatia!

Happy Wednesday, Friends! As many of you already know, Stage 32 Certification has been bringing new film commissions, institutes, colleges, streamers, and other organizations into the mix. This week we’re welcoming the Zagreb Film Office in Croatia to Stage 32 Certification! The Zagreb Film Office and Stage 32 are excited to partner to bring Certification opportunities to creative professionals in the Zagreb, Croatia area. This is their chance to get certified in multiple production skills...

Sam Sokolow
Sam Sokolow
7 days ago
Stage 32 Certification Welcomes Zagreb, Croatia!

How To Stay on Top of Casting Directors, Agents & Producers with Google Alerts

Trying to monitor multiple things at once is challenging in your acting career: Casting directors, agents, casting calls, release dates, project greenlights, series renewals & cancellations, the list goes on and on. Even if you are an avid reader of the industry trades- Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, etc- you can miss some things that might be of interest. There have been many times when I saw a submission notice, or an opportunity, only to have missed a deadline, or know that hundreds of o...

How To Stay on Top of Casting Directors, Agents & Producers with Google Alerts

10 Tips to Nail Your Next TV Pitch

The writer’s job is never easy, in part because it’s secretly more than one job: it’s three. You need to be a talented writer on the page, a collaborator and idea generator in the room, and a riveting salesperson in a pitch. Pitches can make or break a career – they can be the tool that opens doors or leaves your ideas gathering dust in a pile. So how do you take all the work you’ve done on your project, and present it in a way that will get someone to buy it? 1. Be A Great Storyteller...

Julia Keimach
Julia Keimach
9 days ago
10 Tips to Nail Your Next TV Pitch
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