
Cinematography Stage 32 Blogs

Coffee & Content: Creating the World of Enola Holmes & How to Light Faces

Happy Sunday Creative Army! First of all, congratulations to all of you who have already participated in our monthly Introduce Yourself Weekend! Thousands of connections have been made between entertainment creatives and professionals from every corner of the globe. Whether you are a long-time member, or brand new to Stage 32, take a moment to pop over to the Introduce Yourself Lounge and say hello before the end of the weekend. Now, grab some fresh coffee and let's dive in to this week's fres...

Coffee & Content: Creating the World of Enola Holmes & How to Light Faces

Top 10 Lounge Posts: The Drop That Starts The Ripple

Sometimes it can feel as if we cannot make a difference. This industry is so big, the wealth of content is vast, but what can any of us do? We spend our time looking for work, doing the work, shaking hands, making memories, and of course, taking time away before going back to the grind. I’m here to tell you - hell, the whole Stage 32 community is here to help remind you - that whether you are in full stride or in hibernation mode, you can enact change. Don’t worry, this isn’t a road map on how...

Karen "Kay" Ross
Karen "Kay" Ross
4 years ago
Top 10 Lounge Posts: The Drop That Starts The Ripple

In the News: One Man's Pursuit to Change the Entertainment Industry

Happy Tuesday Creative Army! For the past 10 years, it has been Stage 32's continued mission is to democratize the entertainment business for creatives and professionals all over the world. I am continuously humbled by the power of the Stage 32 community, and thrilled by the recent support our community is getting from the industry as a whole. In addition to our previous coverage in Forbes, The Wrap, Variety, CNN, Business Insider (check out the articles here and here), and more - I am honored...

In the News: One Man's Pursuit to Change the Entertainment Industry

Coffee & Content: "The Mandalorian" Virtual Sets vs. Green Screen & How to Make Money with a Short Film

Happy Sunday & Happy Mother's Day! I've got my coffee in hand and your weekly dose of content coming in hot - grab your coffee of choice and let's dive right in. First up, since "May the 4th Be with You" was last week, I thought it would only be fitting to share some Star Wars content. Insider recently put together a fascinating behind the screens video covering the innovative virtual backgrounds that were used to film The Mandalorian. In this video, they talk about the technological and cre...

Coffee & Content: "The Mandalorian" Virtual Sets vs. Green Screen & How to Make Money with a Short Film

Stage 32 Member Spotlight: Derek Johnson, Director & Cinematographer

Did you know that Stage 32 has more than just screenwriters in its global community? There are tons of cinematographers, editors, animators, producers, and filmmakers, to name a few. Whether shorts or features, documentary or narrative, independent or studio productions, we’re all here! One of the best reflections from today’s guest is simply - you never know who you’re going to meet! What am I saying is - Derek Johnson comes with a slew of valuable nuggets of wisdom! Lifting up and amplifying...

Karen "Kay" Ross
Karen "Kay" Ross
4 years ago
Stage 32 Member Spotlight: Derek Johnson, Director & Cinematographer

The Economics of Short Films

You’re a filmmaker, a writer, a director, maybe even an actor. You want to keep working, but the phone’s not ringing so… you decide to shoot a short film. Before you start down the rabbit hole you may want to ask a few questions. Why do I want to shoot a short film? What resources do I have at my disposal? What resources will I need to obtain? And the most impactful question: What’s it going to cost? Anyone who has ever taken on the challenge of shooting a short knows that there ar...

Brian Herskowitz
Brian Herskowitz
4 years ago
The Economics of Short Films

Coffee & Content: The Wes Anderson Aesthetic & The Psychology of Character Relationships

Happy Sunday Creative Army! Have you had a creative weekend so far? I have some content here for you that is sure to get the creative juices flowing, so grab your coffee and let's dive in. First up, our friends over at Studio Binder recently put together a fascinating breakdown of Wes Anderson's iconic directing aesthetic. This video illustrates Wes Anderson's style throughout the entire filmmaking process including story, production design, color, editing, music, and more. They use examples...

Coffee & Content: The Wes Anderson Aesthetic & The Psychology of Character Relationships

In the News: How Stage 32 Became A Global Powerhouse By Combining Entertainment And Tech

Happy Monday Creative Army! As you know, Stage 32's continued mission is to democratize the entertainment business and the industry is taking notice in a big way. In addition to our previous coverage in Business Insider (check out the articles here and here), The Wrap, Variety, CNN, and more - I am pleased to announce our recent feature in Forbes.  I had the pleasure of speaking with Forbes Senior Contributor Shama Hyder about growing the Stage 32 community, how Stage 32 has become a "global...

In the News: How Stage 32 Became A Global Powerhouse By Combining Entertainment And Tech

Coffee & Content: Every 2021 Oscar-Nominated Film on Netflix & Behind the Scenes of "Mank"

Happy Oscar Sunday Creative Army! With the much anticipated 2021 Oscars taking place this evening, naturally, I have some Oscars-themed content for you today. I've got my coffee in hand and your Oscars content coming in hot - grab your coffee of choice and let's dive right in. First up, Netflix UK & Ireland has compiled a full list of 2021 Oscar-Nominated films that are currently available to watch on Netflix. While you likely won't be able to watch all 37 available films before the big...

Coffee & Content: Every 2021 Oscar-Nominated Film on Netflix & Behind the Scenes of "Mank"

"Ask Me Anything" with Stage 32 CEO Richard "RB" Botto: The Great Content Gold Rush of 2021 Edition Now Available On-Demand

Happy Thursday Stage 32 Community!   Since 2011, the Stage 32 team has been working tirelessly to help you stay connected, creative, motivated, and informed. As always, we are committed to bringing you networking opportunities, education and mentoring from top-level industry executives and professionals, and access to decision-makers around the globe all from the comfort of your own home. Recently, to celebrate a successful first quarter of 2021, our fearless leader and CEO Richard "RB" Botto...

Taylor C. Baker
Taylor C. Baker
4 years ago
"Ask Me Anything" with Stage 32 CEO Richard "RB" Botto: The Great Content Gold Rush of 2021 Edition Now Available On-Demand
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