Cinematography Stage 32 Blogs
Blood is Thicker Than Water… And Celluloid
Blood Family + Film Family = Efficient and Successful Production Now, when you read this headline, it’s important to note that the original quote - “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb” - was meant to say that blood shed on the battlefield creates a stronger bond between soldiers than simple familial or genetic ties. I guess you could say the same about blood shed on film sets, however, I know a filmmaker that recently combined his Blood Family with his Film Family...

Top 10 Skills Every Beginner Filmmaker Needs
Do want to shoot award-winning films and gather millions of views yearly? As a filmmaker, having some technical understanding on your resume will guarantee your prospective thriving future. I have picked up the 10 most valuable skills you should acquire to land a perfect job in the filmmaking industry. Read on to find everything out in-depth. 1. Learning Technology No matter how banal it sounds, coming to grips with the filmmaking cornerstones is vital for your prosperous career and success....

Free Online "Ask Me Anything" F@#$ 2020 EDITION with Stage 32 CEO Richard "RB" Botto
Happy Tuesday, Creative Army! Well, we did it. We made it to the end of 2020. I believe you will welcome me in saying, hasta la vista to this wild year. 2020 has been a challenge, to say the least, but it has not been without a silver lining or two (or twenty...if we're being optimistic). To wit: The Stage 32 community has exploded and we have welcomed over 100,000 new members from across the globe in our last nine months alone. Activity, network requests, and postings are at an all tim...

The Holiday Jump Start: Prepare to take a Giant Leap Forward!
Hello Stage 32 Community! Wow. Believe it or not, you made it through a harrowing year. I want you to use this moment to very quickly reflect - and take stock - on all that you have personally dealt with - and overcome - in 2020. The world kicked off the “roaring” 2020’s with an inauspicious start. And then, we had a pretty rough middle of the year. And now, it seems we are in for an anxiety-inducing Finale. But, we are enthusiastic. We are hopeful. We are empowered. We are Stage 32. Amidst th...

Coffee & Content: 100 Low Budget Filmmaking Tips & 6 Mistakes Beginner Filmmakers Make
Happy Sunday Creative Army! I've got my coffee and hand and your weekly dose of content coming in hot - grab your coffee of choice and let's dive right in. First up, The Film Look has collected a whopping 100 low budget filmmaking tips that they dish out in less than 10 minutes. They cover an impressive amount of information and give you tips on the entire filmmaking process from script to screen. These tips are great for filmmakers, screenwriters, production crew, cinematographers, and even...

Instagram Live Series: How to Boost your Creative Brand for 2021 & 5 Steps for Creating Your Own Content
Happy Saturday Stage 32! As many of you may know, I host an Instagram LIVE every week on @stage32 highlighting some amazing Stage 32 members from all over the world. We cover everything from how to shoot a short film 100% remotely to how to how to master the art of a director/composer relationship and more. Recently, I had the supreme pleasure of chatting with two powerhouse members that have made the most out of 2020 and are ready to conquer 2021. First up, I had an epic chat with Chicago-...

Coffee & Content: Tim Burton's Stylized Directing & EUPHORIA Cinematography Breakdown
Happy Sunday Creative Army! Have you had a creative weekend so far? I have some content here for you that is sure to get the creative juices flowing, so grab your coffee and let's dive in. First up, our friends over at Studio Binder have put together an amazing video exploring the unique and expressive works of Tim Burton. This video focuses on how Burton builds unique worlds through set design, art direction, and production design. You will see examples from Beetlejuice, Alice in Wonderland...

Top 10 Lounge Posts - Merry Happy! Prepare to Let Go
Merry Happy, Stage32-ers! Yes, you read that correctly. There is a way to wish someone well without wishing anything at all. As we slip away from Autumn (in the Northern Hemisphere at least), and into the "holiday season", I wish you all the very merriest! Happy, that is. Not Kate Nash's "Merry Happy", although it is a "Kate" inspiring this preamble. As I listen to Kate Winslet sharing her acting secrets (THANK YOU, RB for this Sunday's Coffee & Content Blog!), I am reminded of the intricate b...

Happy Thanksgiving from the Stage 32 Staff! We are Thankful for YOU
Happy Thanksgiving, Creative Army! On behalf of the entire Stage 32 team, I'd like to wish everyone a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. This year, with many of us stuck at home, the activity and energy on Stage 32 has been palpable. We have welcomed over 100,000 new members since March, and we are beyond honored to provide each and every one of you with a safe place to connect and stay inspired online. We are all extremely grateful for the members of this community and for the incredible relatio...

Ideas are Nothing: Action is Everything
I honestly believe the path to success is driven simply by action. It doesn’t matter how amazing/terrible you might be at something, without action, you won't experience any growth and you won't progress towards your goals. Your dreams will never be realized and you’ll go through life always wondering what could’ve been. It’s not enough to want something in this life. Nobody is going to give you anything, you have to be willing to fight for it and you have to do so through action. Ideas are a...