Contests Stage 32 Blogs
May Is Member Appreciation Month
As our way of saying thank you for being a loyal member of the Stage 32 community, we have marked May as our Stage 32 Member Appreciation Month. What that means for you is that if you've had your eye on any of our on-demand webinars, for the entire month of May they will be only $39. Whether you're looking to expand your craft, or learn more about the business, there is a Stage 32 Next Level Webinar available for you. To take the next step to improving your skills. Here's just some of our...

Casting Call for Stage 32 Short Film Contest Winner
Stage 32's partnership with the St. Petersburg/Clearwater Film Commission continues as we announce that we are beginning pre-production for the short film script selected as the winner of our Short Film Script Contest. Screenwriter/director Tanya Carleton Lovrics from Niagara Falls, Canada has officially opened up the casting call for her screenplay DOLPHIN GIRL. Tanya is being mentored by Sundance alum writer/director, JT Mollner and will be flown to Florida this summer to film her short...

Kickstart Your Creativity – 30 Tips!
A recent poll of creatives found that 37% experience the greatest dip in their creativity on Saturday. But not you, right? You’re going to use today to start, continue or shore up that creative project. Even if that’s not the case, or if you’ve lately found yourself in a creative lull, courtesy of our friends at, here are 30 inspiring and motivational tips to kickstart your creativity. Enjoy! Surround yourself with creative people.Hang out with writers, musicians, poets...

Never Let Rejection Define You
If you've been around Stage 32 for any length of time, you know we believe that a positive mindset is paramount to finding success as a creative. We must draw inspiration and positivity from like-minded individuals who fully understand the challenges of the creative journey. As you also know, we're big believers in paying it forward. Nothing is more rewarding than sharing our experiences and knowledge with others. To us, this is a major aspect of the collaborative process. This is why we...

Quarter-Finalists Announced: 2nd Annual Comedy Writing Contest
The 2nd Annual Stage 32 Happy Writers Comedy Writing Contest was filled with some of the best comedy writing we've ever seen. Our judges consistently said how tough the competition was!Our feature writers had us laughing for (literally) hours! Our TV writers poured out some really creative and clever original pilots and wrote hilariously great specs for hit shows such as MODERN FAMILY, IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA, FAMILY GUY and more. Needless to say, the judges have been smiling from ear...

Winners Announced: 2nd Annual TV Writing Contest
Wow...What a contest. And what a difference a year makes. Our 1st Annual TV Writing Contest saw some incredible scripts, but this year, the ante was raised. So many of our feature writers decided to try their hands at TV writing both with original scripts or specs based on existing material. The results were overwhelming and the competition was as fierce as we've seen it for any contest. In the end, however, there can be only one Grand Prize Winner and this year the honor goes to Danny Baran f...

Congratulations to Last Night's Oscar Winners
Last night brought us one of the most memorable moments in Oscars history when the wrong film was announced as Best Picture. Many anticipated a La La Land victory, but it was Moonlight, a film made for under $5MM, that brought home the top gold! 2016 brought on some of the most spectacular cinema we've ever seen. We want to congratulate all the creatives involved, including our 13 Stage 32ers who worked on films nominated (more on that here). Ultimately we have 3 films that brought home the...

Two Stage 32’ers Go For Oscar Gold Today!
While today’s Oscars are shaping up to be a LA LA LAND love fest, there is still some intrigue involved in watching today’s ceremony: Stage 32’ers Michel Merkt and Max Karli are up for a total of 3 Academy Awards. Michel is nominated for producing Best Foreign Film nominee, TONI ERDMANN, which has won dozens of awards throughout the last year, including the Independent Spirit Award for Best Foreign Film yesterday. Michel and Max are both nominated as producers for Best Animated Film with MY...

Stage 32 TV Contest Quarterfinalists Announced
The Stage 32 2nd Annual Happy Writers TV Writing Contest brought in some of the best TV material we've read in a long time. Writers were curiously creative this round, and we received everything from original pilots with historical flair to supernatural underdog tales and meticulously crafted TV specs based off of some of today's greatest TV shows on air. Our writers brought their A-game!We're proud to announce the TV specs and original TV pilots that made it to the next stage in the Stage 32 2n...

RIFF Premiere of the 2nd Stage 32 Short Film Program
Stage 32 is honored to premiere the 2nd Stage 32 Short Film Program at the 2017 Richmond Film Festival. This program was curated by the incredible industry executives(3 who won Oscars!) who judged our Annual Short Film Contest and features 6 amazing directors (from 4 countries) all with bright futures ahead. Once again, congratulations to all the filmmakers and the Stage 32 team congratulates you on the screening! Stage 32 Short Film Program @ RIFF Wednesday, March 1, 2017 at 2:45PMByrd Thea...