
Inspirational Stage 32 Blogs

Having Faith In Yourself And Your Work

As creatives, we sure can take some hard knocks. We put our work out there, hoping someone will like it enough to bring it to life. Then, we may find ourselves hoping again that there will be a distribution home once our project is made. Often, we, or I sure do, feel vulnerable when hitting send on anything you have written or uneasily sit as you watch something you created with an audience. You squirm, feeling like maybe you are not as good, smart, or creative as you thought. Over the years of...

Maria Baltazzi
Maria Baltazzi
a year ago
Having Faith In Yourself And Your Work

Musician Lands Composing Opportunity Through Stage 32

I’ve always told myself and heard the phrase, “Never give up” (then he sat down speech). Which is why I have continued to seek out different producers and others in the film industry for years here at Stage 32. Wanting to write music since my 30’s, I’ve been going to different schools, starting in Ohio. I started in Music Ed. At Wright State University – for two years, I learned music theory and ear training. Then I had an opportunity to perform ‘on the road’ with a group for a year, called Am...

Kerry Kennard
Kerry Kennard
a year ago
Musician Lands Composing Opportunity Through Stage 32

The 3 Step Process To Unlock Your Creativity

One of the biggest challenges filmmakers and screenwriters face is to keep their creative energy fresh and high while working on projects that ask years of endurance and at times don't feel creative. What often drove us toward filmmaking - the excitement of creating stories - can quickly become the thing we connect with the less as we work toward building our careers: handling deadlines, finding an agent, raising money, applying to festivals, answering casting calls, and the 100 other tasks ou...

Nathalie Sejean
Nathalie Sejean
a year ago
The 3 Step Process To Unlock Your Creativity

Venice Int. Film Festival Recap!

Hey, Creative Army! Our fearless leader, RB Botto, and I have just recently returned from our whirlwind adventure at the 2023 Venice International Film Festival. We had an incredible time representing Stage 32 at the festival, meeting so many members both new and old, and celebrating so many exciting new projects and achievements. As some of you already know, I was honored to be featured as a panelist in the 2-Part Breaking Barriers: Empowering Women Through Film panel alongside key executi...

Amanda Toney
Amanda Toney
a year ago
Venice Int. Film Festival Recap!

8 Things I Did To Land My First PAID Screenwriting Gig

We’ve all read those “14,962 Things You Should Do to Become a Successful Screenwriter” lists before, right? Well, halfway through this article, I will give you a slightly different kind of list. It’s a revolutionary, paint-by-numbers guide to how you can become a paid screenwriter, just like me... THUNK! Phil falls off his chair. Rolls on the floor. His face stretched. Tears on his cheeks, laughing – or is he crying? Sorry… I’m ok. (wipes his face/ retakes his seat) Where was I? Oh yes, the...

Phil Parker
Phil Parker
a year ago
8 Things I Did To Land My First PAID Screenwriting Gig

Want Success? Start Writing Your Own Narrative!

Want Success? Stop Listening to the Hollywood Narrative! Is it just me, or does it feel like Hollywood is set up to make you fail? Obstacle, after obstacle… Rejection, after rejection… It’s *almost* not even worth trying. And I can say ‘almost’ because those of us who still believe in the magic of our dreams, have a passion so strong that we are going to go for it, despite all of the hardships we hear about. If you are one of those people, like me, I want you to really listen to what...

Erica Wernick
Erica Wernick
2 years ago
Want Success? Start Writing Your Own Narrative!

Dear Actors, You Are Enough

Dear Actors, you are enough… But do you really believe that? Following nearly 25 years of working in the performing arts industry as an actress myself, I have also had the opportunity to assist directors, train with incredible coaches, and view the problems that arise for most actors time and time again. It’s an elusive art form acting and what it takes to be a great actor seems to be equally puzzling because great acting looks so simple. But don’t be deluded into thinking that anything...

Dear Actors, You Are Enough

Coffee & Content: Showrunner Ali LeRoi's Advice For Writers

Happy Sunday, Creative Army! Have you had a creative weekend so far? I have some content here for you that is sure to get the creative juices flowing, so grab your coffee, and let's dive in. First up, we love giving writers advice on their craft and career straight from the pros (and if you're a member of the Writers' Room, you see this regularly with our Wednesday Webcasts), so this week, I wanted to share this video from the Writers' Guild Foundation. The Foundation interviews showrunner A...

Coffee & Content: Showrunner Ali LeRoi's Advice For Writers

9 To Thrive: 9 Thoughts For A Healthy & Happy Freelancing Career

Freelancing in the film industry, whatever your role, and as exciting as it can be, sometimes means navigating turbulent waters. So how do we stay put and not lose sight of our true North? I moved from Italy to Los Angeles in 2016, after a 21-year-long plan to follow my childhood dream of making music for the silver screen. Once in L.A., coming from a 9-to-5 day job, I soon realized how much I had to learn not only about Hollywood but also about how to stay healthy while freelancing. In the...

Elena Maro
Elena Maro
2 years ago
9 To Thrive: 9 Thoughts For A Healthy & Happy Freelancing Career

Creative Mind Monster: How To Understand & Share Your Creativity

My father tells me a story of when he realized I was “creative”. When I was a toddler one day I decided the neighbor's freshly planted, new flower bed was in the wrong spot and I needed to replant them elsewhere. I can only imagine my father’s conversation with the neighbors. One: Letting them know what I had done and Two: Trying to explain to them how I did it so quickly, probably covering up how he wasn’t paying attention in the process. I told my father I knew exactly where those flowers n...

Creative Mind Monster: How To Understand & Share Your Creativity
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