Tips Stage 32 Blogs
Coffee & Content: Opportunities Are Seized By Those Who Take Action
Happy Sunday, Creative Army! Have you had a creative weekend so far? I have some content here for you that is sure to get the creative juices flowing, so grab your coffee, and let's dive in. First up, in this video by In Depth Cine, he’s analyzing the most common 4 reasons why starting a career in filmmaking can be so difficult. All of his points are topics that I’ve spoken on before and we provide many courses right here on Stage 32 where working professionals can help you better understand...

32 Tips For Indie Feature Film Development & Pre-Production
Fun. The main reason most of us got into (or are trying to get into) the film and TV industry is because it sounds so much fun! And it is - some of the best times of my life have been on set. I have been lucky enough to have filmed all over the world, from Pinewood to Bollywood and from Montana to the Sahara. I’ve worked on some really wonderful productions and I’ve been on some really awful productions that if I could get in my TARDIS, travel back in time, and change that timeline - then I woul...

Setting Intentions for the New Year: Creating My Mid-Life Peace (No Crisis Welcome!)
There’s a natural soul-searching during this time of year. Do I spend money on my loved ones, or is quality time more important? Have I been spending too much time investing in my work, or not enough? Am I living my best life NOW, or am I still in survival mode? Whether this reflection is brought up by family visits, relaxing vacations, or making plans for the new year, it all comes to a pinnacle as we shift away from celebrating holidays and into starting anew in January. As someone born on N...

Forgive and Flourish: A Guide to Holiday Healing
Abuela Alma: "I was given a miracle. A second chance. And I was so afraid to lose it that I forgot who it was for." Mirabel: "It’s for us." ~ Disney’s Encanto (2021) A moment of reconciliation and forgiveness between Abuela Alma and Mirabel. This scene reminds us of the importance of letting go of fear and allowing compassion to heal relationships. As you gather with loved ones to celebrate the holidays, consider where forgiveness may be needed in your life—forgiveness between others, fo...

Coffee & Content: When They Double Down, You Triple Down!
Happy Sunday, Creative Army! Have you had a creative weekend so far? I have some content here for you that is sure to get the creative juices flowing, so grab your coffee, and let's dive in. First up, in this video essay by Frame Voyager, he’s talking about the new Bob Dylan biopic, A Complete Unknown. Based on Elijah Wald's 2015 book Dylan Goes Electric!, the film chronicles Bob Dylan's rise from a folk music phenomenon to the seismic moment at the 1965 Newport Folk Festival, where his shif...

The 3 Step Process To Unlock Your Creativity
One of the biggest challenges filmmakers and screenwriters face is to keep their creative energy fresh and high while working on projects that ask years of endurance and at times don't feel creative. What often drove us toward filmmaking - the excitement of creating stories - can quickly become the thing we connect with the less as we work toward building our careers: handling deadlines, finding an agent, raising money, applying to festivals, answering casting calls, and the 100 other tasks ou...

The Economics of Short Films
You’re a filmmaker, a writer, a director, maybe even an actor. You want to keep working, but the phone’s not ringing so… you decide to shoot a short film. Before you start down the rabbit hole you may want to ask a few questions. Why do I want to shoot a short film? What resources do I have at my disposal? What resources will I need to obtain? And the most impactful question: What’s it going to cost? Anyone who has ever taken on the challenge of shooting a short knows that there ar...

Understanding Your Character's Goals & Motivations
What's the goal of your story? The answer sounds easy enough. A goal is simply what your character wants/ needs to accomplish by the end of the script. Despite the simple definition of a character goal, it's one of the most complex aspects of the story. Why? I have no idea; maybe it's because the goal makes or breaks the story. Because the goal keeps people intrigued and wondering what will happen next. Regardless of the importance of goals in a story, we all know one thing: a character's goal m...

A Stage 32 Success Story: My Adventures Writing My First Horror Movie
Back in March through April of this year, I took on the daunting task of writing my first horror script. The title is “ABOLITION”. The story was inspired by none other than friends from the Writer’s Room right here at Stage 32! I was conflicted with the idea of writing a biopic about an abolitionist or a haunted house horror movie. When I posted these thoughts on Stage32, a fellow writer suggested combining the two. What a stupid idea (ha, ha...) Right? Wait…wait a minute… A slavery horror...

3 Ways Acting Has Helped Me Become A Better Writer
I started acting a little later than most of my fellow thespians. I’d always been a creative person: writing, drawing, and playing music, but acting was something I feared. “Who am I to act?” “Who would possibly be entertained by my performance?” So, out of fear, I never tried acting. That was, until my 30s. My career in the toy industry had stalled and I was feeling less connected to myself. I was getting sick a lot, and I was having trouble finding direction or inspiration. In other words, I w...