
Networking Stage 32 Blogs

Filmmaker Making Career-Changing Connections Via Stage 32!

Isn´t it funny how executives and studios are so quick to shoot you down unless you've got talent attached? Yet, it's the talent that are sometimes the ones that are holding you up? I graduated from a pretty intensive practical filmmaker course in 2008 at the Met Film School, which still ran rings around my University experience in Screenwriting & Cinematography barely 5 years later. Unfortunately, both never opened the door to a job for me despite my best efforts. I only ever wanted to wri...

Dan Tonkin
Dan Tonkin
3 years ago
Filmmaker Making Career-Changing Connections Via Stage 32!

Coffee & Content: Cinematography of EUPHORIA & 6 Filmmaking Tools for Under $20

Happy Sunday Creative Army! I've got my coffee in hand and your weekly dose of content coming in hot - grab your coffee of choice and let's dive right in. First up, the folks over at StudioBinder recently shared an in depth video about the cinematography of HBO's Euphoria. This video covers how Euphoria cinematographer Marcell Rev uses lighting, camera movement, and long takes to capture the shows stylized "emotional realism".  Next up, Luc Forsyth shares a helpful video sharing six filmma...

Coffee & Content: Cinematography of EUPHORIA & 6 Filmmaking Tools for Under $20

A Filmmaker’s Guide to Screen Tourism: Part 1

Since my appointment as delegate of the Mexican National Chamber of the Film Industry (CANACINE) for the State of Quintana Roo, also known as the Mexican Caribbean, I have become familiar with the phenomenon screen tourism. In fact, screen tourism is becoming one of the key elements in policy making for the audiovisual industry in Quintana Roo, which includes what nowadays can be considered Mexico’s most important beach tourist areas. In this article I will explain what screen tourism is, h...

David Zannoni
David Zannoni
3 years ago
A Filmmaker’s Guide to Screen Tourism: Part 1

5 Things Actors Can Do Everyday to Ensure Success

As actors there are certain things that are completely out of our control period. We've been told, time and time again, that our successes and fate in film or TV are a heavy dose of talent, timing, effort, connections and further luck. Some of those ingredients in our success pie are out of our control; however, some are in our control and we can do on a daily basis to ensure our careers moving forward. These are five tips that I do daily to ensure my success as an actress and as a human;...

Sara Quiriconi
Sara Quiriconi
3 years ago
5 Things Actors Can Do Everyday to Ensure Success

Always a Student, Never a Master: The Power of Beginner's Mind

When I wrote my first book, it was an adventure. Not only was it my first major project, it was the moment I realized just how little I knew about the craft of writing. I was two years into my professional writing career when I shifted from short stories to my first book. Sure, I’d written “books” before. But trust me, those will NEVER see the light of day. That already made this one different. I was not writing it for fun or because writing is my passion (though both of those statements are...

Always a Student, Never a Master: The Power of Beginner's Mind

Getting Top Production Value for Zero Cost

Most of you will know me from previous blogs on this site, and most of the time those blogs tend towards contentious subject matter. If this is your first time reading me, welcome. My name is Tennyson E. Stead and I’m a writer and director who has worked in disciplines ranging from film finance to gaffing and grip. As a screenwriter, script doctor, and ghostwriter, I’ve written more than 50 screenplays and I’ve been paid for a sizable percentage of those. My directing and editing have won awa...

Tennyson Stead
Tennyson Stead
3 years ago
Getting Top Production Value for Zero Cost

I Booked Over 100 Commercials as an Actor. You Can Too. Here's How!

My name is David Banks and I’ve booked over 100 national commercials. I was a featured guest at Film Con LA and was asked how it’s seemed so easy for me to book spot after spot and what’s my magic touch. How it’s easy? That’s quite funny. Although it may appear like I have some kind of “magic touch,” my current method never fell into my lap. It was derived from MANY years of hearing no after no after no and having no clue how to remedy the situation. Rather, it came from studying the situati...

David Banks
David Banks
3 years ago
I Booked Over 100 Commercials as an Actor. You Can Too. Here's How!

Writing Duo Signs a Shopping Agreement After Connecting with Exec on Stage 32!

I’m Adrienne Arno. You can define me a lotta way— I’m the daughter of a hero-cop. I’m that neighborhood kid who befriended animals and always had her head in a book. I’m that weird but brilliant creative chick you went to high school with. I’m a criminal psychologist that spent my early twenties cutting my professional teeth on serial killers and rapists in New York’s largest maximum-security prison. I’m a woman whose been to dark places. I’m a heretic and a troublemaker and whistle blower and “...

AM Arno
AM Arno
3 years ago
Writing Duo Signs a Shopping Agreement After Connecting with Exec on Stage 32!

Coffee & Content: The Making of JURASSIC WORLD DOMINION & 5 Rules for Low Budget Filmmaking

Happy Sunday Creative Army! Have you had a creative weekend so far? I have some content here for you that is sure to get the creative juices flowing, so grab your coffee and let's dive in. First up, TheThings shares an epic behind the scenes video featuring the making of Jurassic World Dominion. This video shows how the most recent film in the Jurassic Park franchise honored the films original animatronic dinosaurs, while bringing modern day CGI technology to the dinosaur game.  Next up, I...

Coffee & Content: The Making of JURASSIC WORLD DOMINION & 5 Rules for Low Budget Filmmaking

Finding Joy in Collaboration & Critiques

Sometimes, someone comes along who suddenly propels you into an inspirational state that you never felt before. I worked with someone called, Shibu Thomas, who wrote a screenplay and asked me if I would become script consultant and editor. I read the script and edited it for him, but the story was so intriguing and so clever, I was happy to continue to help him work on it. He then made pitches to producers and received great feedback, he had very good written critiques from professionals in...

Rosalind Winton
Rosalind Winton
3 years ago
Finding Joy in Collaboration & Critiques
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