Networking Stage 32 Blogs
The Director/Film Composer Relationship: How to Make the Collaboration Sing
So you landed a job as a composer for a Film. Congratulations! But now where do you start? I think a good point is to build a positive relationship with your Director. That could definitely contribute to the success of your gig. Like any other kind of human relationship, there are no rules to make it work and there is always room for improvement, but here you’ll find some tips and thoughts, based on my experience, that I think might be helpful. Let’s suppose you have negotiated the deal, the...

How To Stay on Top of Casting Directors, Agents & Producers with Google Alerts
Trying to monitor multiple things at once is challenging in your acting career: Casting directors, agents, casting calls, release dates, project greenlights, series renewals & cancellations, the list goes on and on. Even if you are an avid reader of the industry trades- Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, etc- you can miss some things that might be of interest. There have been many times when I saw a submission notice, or an opportunity, only to have missed a deadline, or know that hundreds of o...

Filmmaker Developing MULTIPLE Projects through Connections Made on Stage 32!
I found Stage32 in the fall of 2016 while searching for networking sites. I’d just decided to really go all out to pursue my passions and dreams. I’d taught myself screenwriting in college years earlier when libraries were still a thing. I joined a few other places around the same time and Stage 32 was the place I visited and still visit the most and have made the most connections by far. I think finding your people can add a little extra motivation. I'd really hit my stride and found my voice b...

Coffee & Content: Samuel L. Jackson & Viola Davis on Acting & How I Became a Netflix Editor in 3 Months
Happy Sunday Creative Army! First of all, congratulations to all of you who have already participated in our monthly Introduce Yourself Weekend! Thousands of connections have been made between entertainment creatives and professionals from every corner of the globe. Whether you are a long-time member, or brand new to Stage 32, take a moment to pop over to the Introduce Yourself Lounge and say hello before the end of the weekend. First up, Variety has a great series called "Actors on Actors"...

Take the "Work" Out of Networking - The Importance of a Polished Stage 32 Profile
It’s the tedious but oh-so-necessary maintenance of being in this industry: online presentation. Just as we once toiled over the formatting and tone of a resume and cover letter, so now must we polish our profiles. Selling ourselves can be exhausting, but look at it this way - your Stage 32 profile is your invitation to play! We all love what we do, and we love meeting people that make the experience magical. Here’s your chance to set the tone for your fantasy-project-made-real! So, pour your fa...

Three Stoic Principles For The Creative Arts
I’m always eager to find helpful insights for navigating life. Stoicism has been experiencing a resurgence of late, thanks in part to books like A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy and to Ryan Holiday, whose books and Daily Stoic emails have made the ancient precepts relevant for contemporary thinkers. Stoicism is a philosophy about finding happiness in the “now” moment. It’s about controlling your emotions and the thoughts you think to maximize your life experience. It’s a...

Coffee & Content: How to Shoot a Scene with One Camera & Amateur vs. Professional Cinematography
Happy Sunday Creative Army! I've got my coffee in hand and your weekly dose of content coming in hot - grab your coffee of choice and let's dive right in. First up, In Depth Cine has an informative video about how to shoot a scene using only one camera. This video covers the different benefits of shooting single cam vs multi-cam, how to shoot a scene with only one camera, and much more. Next up, Aputure shares an awesome video where cinematographer Valentina Vee re-makes one of her short...

Fanning the Flame of Your Passion for Writing - Never Give Up
Don't ever give up... That's it... Blog done. Okay, so you want to know where that comes from... Well, I started writing my screenplay a few years ago. It's called The Postcard and it is based on the true story of my Great Grandparents. I have wanted to tell this story since my Father told me all about it when I was 11 years old. I've written poems and songs about it, I've tried writing it as a novel over the years, but for some reason, I just could not keep it going and totally gave up....

How to Turn Your Screenplay into a Novel
I had contributed articles for for several years from 2015-2017. I had written a television script called Turbulence project in 2013. I entered it into Larry Brody’s People’s Pilot. It did well the first time winding up somewhere in the middle of the scripts submissions. The second time, it received Semi-Finalist status based on the very readers favorable ratings. At one point, Larry suggested that I turn it into a novel. I discounted the idea at first. After all, I was a screenwri...

How do I Sell My Movie? Advice from a Producer with 3 Decades of Experience
So you made a movie. You even have an offer from a sales agent to sell it worldwide. You are excited.Your film is selling in Cannes!It’s selling at the American Film Market!It’s screening at Berlinale!You're having viewing parties with friends and family, showing off the brochure or the listing of your movie in the Trades. You dream about the new movie you will make or the house you'll buy with the profits from the first one, and you're sure there will be so many dollars coming your way from the...