Success Stories

Success Stories Stage 32 Blogs

How Writing a Stage 32 Blog Helped Me Get Distribution for My Transmedia Film Project

I wanted to share my experience with other filmmakers on how posting a Stage 32 blog helped me get distribution for my transmedia film project. Part 1 About four months ago in the transmedia lounge, they were having a discussion on transmedia. So, I shared how I was developing my transmedia project Black Salt from comic book to crowd funding for my proof-of-concept film, to video game. Karen Ross, the Community Manager at Stage 32, told me my transmedia journey would make an excellent blog...

Owen Ratliff
Owen Ratliff
3 years ago
How Writing a Stage 32 Blog Helped Me Get Distribution for My Transmedia Film Project

Announcing the 1st Annual Female Driven Screenwriting Contest

There is nothing more important in the entertainment industry today than lifting up unique and diverse voices. For our first contest of 2022, we chose to focus on stories centered around female characters. While Hollywood may have made some strides forward over the last few years, the industry is still dominated by men. Help us achieve our goal of promoting female driven content by submitting your screenplay today! Female driven content has been on the rise, proving that audiences love complex...

Molly Peck
Molly Peck
3 years ago
Announcing the 1st Annual Female Driven Screenwriting Contest

KATAKATA, A Nigerian and U.S. Collaboration was Born on Stage 32 - Success Story Update

The Chaos (Katakata) Continues It has been nine (9) months since director Newton Barabara of NBS Studios yelled “Cut” on the set of ‘KATAKATA,’ his first international collaboration. After the film wrapped, he immediately placed a video call to his collaborators in the United States. His exact words were “We did it!” recalls Stage 32-members, Art Thomas of Main Man Films LLC™ and Kevin Shand of Pedras Productions™. The ‘it’ Barabara referred to is the impressive impact and meaningful convers...

Arthur O. Thomas
Arthur O. Thomas
3 years ago
KATAKATA, A Nigerian and U.S. Collaboration was Born on Stage 32 - Success Story Update

It's Been A Great Year!: Recapping the Best Stage 32 Success Stories of 2021

Good morning Stage 32 Community! Welcome to the final week of 2021! We’re going to close out this year with a blast and kickstart 2022 with the Top Stage 32 Success Stories of the year! This is the third year I have had the pleasure of writing this blog. It’s really one of the highlights of my year because your success is our success. When members of the Stage 32 community land options, secure representation, go into production, sell scripts, or help others achieve their goals it is a win for...

Jason Mirch
Jason Mirch
3 years ago
It's Been A Great Year!: Recapping the Best Stage 32 Success Stories of 2021

Stage 32 Presents the Top Scripts of 2021 As Chosen by Industry Professionals

The world has changed a lot over the past year, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the amazing work happening at Stage 32! Our writing community has had some incredible successes this year, and we’re thrilled to be a part of them. All of the wonderful work that you - our writing community - have done this year deserves to be celebrated, and we plan to do just that. Our lookbooks and contests have grown so much during 2021, and we’d be remiss if we didn’t highlight as many success stories as...

Molly Peck
Molly Peck
3 years ago
Stage 32 Presents the Top Scripts of 2021 As Chosen by Industry Professionals

Another Screenwriter Signs with Manager through Stage 32!

  In July of 2018, almost a year after my third and final brain surgery, I sat alone at my desk to start my memoir. I was excited to begin the process. I had a riveting story to tell, and no one was going to stop me. I planned to get up early every morning and write continuously for two hours. I had to be up each day before the sun, my tea hot, and fingers well lubricated between the joints. For weeks I kept this nonstop pace, some days writing for five-hour stretches, until one day, I ju...

Kawan Glover
Kawan Glover
3 years ago
Another Screenwriter Signs with Manager through Stage 32!

The Secret's Out: Netflix & Stage 32 are Partnering for a Free Global Initiative

NETFLIX AND STAGE 32 INTRODUCE A NEW INITIATIVE TO HELP ASPIRING SERIES AND FILMMAKERS CREATE ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE GLOBAL MARKETPLACE Earlier this year, our two organizations teamed up for a workshop on Television Pitching that was attended by 100,000 aspiring creators in over 160 countries. We knew it would be a natural fit, but it was amazing to see the global impact of the workshop. That’s why we’ve decided to once again partner on the Creating Content for the Global Mark...

The Secret's Out: Netflix & Stage 32 are Partnering for a Free Global Initiative

Another Screenwriter Gets a Shopping Agreement by Networking on Stage 32!

I wrote my first book at the age of nine, a pastiche inspired by Ben and Me, a favorite book about Ben Franklin and his sentient mouse companion. I can still recall the joy I had in simply putting words to paper, words that would conjure images in my mind as I wrote them. And that is the way I continue to write today, as if the story were a movie in my head, scenes rewound and replayed as I re-read and tweak them. I once read somewhere that not everyone visualizes what they read, that for some p...

Bill Walker
Bill Walker
3 years ago
Another Screenwriter Gets a Shopping Agreement by Networking on Stage 32!

Connecticut-Based Screenwriter Options TWO Scripts Through Stage 32!

As writers, we sometimes tell ourselves that we will, “get back to writing later “, or “there will be plenty of time to write later". My later lasted twenty-seven years. I love reading and writing, and during my teenage years and into my early twenties, I spent many a day doing both. I wrote short stories about superheroes, medieval duels, animals with telepathy, and treasure hunts in my own neighborhood. My need to write burns like a fire that can’t be extinguished, but it was. Responsibilit...

John Mezes
John Mezes
3 years ago
Connecticut-Based Screenwriter Options TWO Scripts Through Stage 32!

Another Screenwriter Books a Writing Job through Stage 32!

Several years ago, I noticed how my older children and their friends seemed to have little interest in marriage compared to previous generations. Seeing news of marriage and birth rates dropping, and having endured the ups and downs in my own marriage, I began formulating a world which would turn into my drama pilot SPLIT DECISIONS. With feedback from fellow writers about the strong premise of the script, I entered it into a few competitions, including an entry in the final hours of Stage 32’...

Layla O'Shea
Layla O'Shea
3 years ago
Another Screenwriter Books a Writing Job through Stage 32!
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